favehotel Manahan Solo18 Jan 2024
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favehotel Solo (Manahan Solo and Solo Baru) presents the latest menu with the theme “Indonesian Rijsttafel." A joint menu for 5 people for only Rp. 375,000.00 is available from January 2024 to March 31, 2024, at Lime Restaurant, favehotel Solo (Manahan Solo dan Solo Baru).

Aris Sasongko, Executive Chef of favehotel Solo (Manahan Solo and Solo Baru), revealed that “as one of the budget hotels in the city of Solo, which focuses on the development of Nusantara cuisine, the Indonesian Rijsttafel theme choice becomes a unique attraction for guests who want to enjoy Nusantara dishes in the star hotel. With this Indonesian Rijstafel, we very much look forward to treating visitors who miss Nusantara food.”

favehotel Solo offers 3 menu option packages of Indonesian Rijsttafel menus, that can be chosen for lunch or dinner, one of which consists of Soto Lamongan, Ayam Betutu, Paklay Solo, Tempe Mendoan, Pindang Ikan Patin, which is the main dish, as well as fruit cuts as dessert and mineral water.

The Indonesian definition of Rijsttafel (read "rèisttafel," which literally means "the table of rice") is a way of presenting meals in sequence with a selection of dishes from different regions in Nusantara. This kind of presentation developed during the colonial Dutch Indian era, which mixed the label and style of official European dinners with the eating habits of the locals, who consumed rice as a meal with a variety of dishes.

For more information, you can contact favehotel Manahan Solo via WhatsApp at 0895 4225 94956, Instagram, and FB at @favehotelmanahansolo; website: manahansolo.favehotels.com; and for favehotel Solo Baru: Whatsapp at 0895 422594954, Instagram and Fb @ favehothelsolobaru; website: solobaru.favehotels.com.